tisdag 3 december 2013

A view from an Australian chiropractors page:


Is it just me or are we hearing a lot more “bad press” around Chiropractic, especially around kids? This ranges from current affairs TV programs, radio, internet and only a fortnight ago, newspaper print claiming a Melbourne Chiropractor broke a baby’s neck. The allegation was promptly investigated by AHPRA and they found no inappropriate treatment was made. If fact, no finding was made that any treatment performed by the Chiropractor caused a fracture.
Chiropractic works!
Chiropractic works! Or else we simply wouldn’t be around or sustainable. Chiropractic is the MOST EVIDENCE based intervention for spinal care. We are regulated through APRHA and adhere to the code of conduct. AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) are responsible for implementing national registration and ensuring continuing accreditation for Chiropractors. They also regulate Pharmacology, Medicine, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Dentistry, Nursing and Midwifery. Chiropractors study at least 5 years for a Masters degree in Chiropractic.
Chiropractic is safe!
Let’s put things into perspective. In 2010 Chiropractors received 41 complaints. There is also some fear surrounding risk of stroke with chiropractic adjustment. A stroke from taking the birth control pill is 1 in 24,000. Research places chiropractic and incidence of stroke in the range of 1 or 2 in 1 million to 1 in 5 million.
If Chiropractors see 215,000 consultations within Australia in a week it just shows…well it must work and it must be safe. Cassidy Et al (1) looked at any differences between a stroke following a chiropractic visit and a G.P. visit. There wasn’t any greater risk leaving the Chiropractic clinic.
So why all the “bad press” especially around Paediatric Chiropractic. If Doyle (2011) (2) found no serious adverse reaction to chiropractic published in peer reviewed literature between 1992 and 2010 and no deaths were associated with Chiropractic Paediatric care…why all this fear?
Most recent media is associated directly with “Friends of Medicine in Science”. Whether a member directly writes as a journalist or they are interviewed. Dr Keryn Phelps (former president of the AMA) has publicly rejected this group stating them to be an “ultra conservative force with alarming and far reaching agenda”. (3)
Ultimately it’s our unique individualism which gives rise to our own belief systems…thank goodness. And thank goodness for our ability to voice our opinions either through television, print or internet.
We have to agree people will believe what they want to believe, but as a Chiropractor…why does the phone in my clinic ring hot with new clients wanting to improve their health after “bad press”? I’m guessing they just didn’t realize Chiropractic had such great results with babies and children and I’m guessing people are simply thinking for themselves.
1. Cassidy JD, Boyle E, Lote P, HeY, Hogg-Johnson S, Silver FL, Bundy SJ. Risk of vertebrobasiliar stroke and Chiropracitc Care, Eur Spine J. 2008: 17(1):17E183
2. Doyle MF. Is Chiropractic Paediatric Care Safe: A Best Evidence Topic. Clinical Chiropractic 2011 (Sept):14(3):97-105
3. Ultimate Wellness – The Three Step Plan. Dr Keryn Phelps. Macmillan Australia 2013
We are inviting you to write your comments below on this very emotive issue. What experiences have you had?

3 kommentarer:

  1. En Australiensisk journalist skriver om FSM ( Se artikeln ovanför ):

    "have the backing of the most profitable industry in the world according to Fortune 500 – the pharmaceutical industry" Från:


    Så varför varför stödjer läkemedelsindustrier grupper som motarbetar kiropraktik? Kan det ha något att göra med att kiropraktik-patienter ofta kan sluta äta värkmediciner efter kiropraktik-behandligar?

  2. "Diagnostic Report:
    CLINICAL NOTES Review of possible prior C2 fracture.
    TECHNIQUE CT scan ofthe cervical spine has been performed from the basiocciput to the inferior aspect of the C4 vertebral body. Comparison is made with the most recent two CT scans dated 02/03/2012 and 30/01/2012. The MRI dated 31/01/2012 has
    also been reviewed.
    REPORT Bilateral defects are seen in the pedicles of C2, with corticated margins in the bones adjacent to the defect. The bone margins are well opposed and not displaced. There is no associated periosteal reaction to suggest the presence of a healing fracture. The appearance is similar to the previous two CT scans and is consistent with normal variant C2 spondylolysis. No other abnormality is seen at C2.
    The degree of apparent lateral displacement of the left lateral mass of C1 has decreased when compared with the previous CT scan.
    Overall normal bone alignment. No evidence of fracture or other significant osseous abnormality in the remainder of the visualised cervical vertebral column. Normal appearance of the visualised perivertebral and neck soft tissue structures.
    CONCLUSION No evidence of fracture. The appearance of the pedicles at C2 is consistent with bilateral spondylolysis and appears stable when compared with the previous study. The apparent degree of lateral displacement of the C1 left lateral mass has decreased.
    ~--,---- 10/10/2013
    This report wos prepared on the 29'" of October 2012 at the request of the Australian Health

    From page 1 The full report:

    Even shorter:
    An MD could not tell the difference between a C2 spodylolysis and a broken neck.

  3. An Australian video:

