måndag 21 mars 2011

Här är en lista på de tidiga kiropraktor skolorna.

Här är en lista på de tidigaste Kiropraktor utbildningarna:
Källa: Chiropractic History: a Primer

Länk : http://data.memberclicks.com/site/ahc/ChiroHistoryPrimer.pdf

Table 3: Several early schools of chiropractic, 1896-1922

Palmer School of Magnetic Cure
American School of Chiropractic & Nature Cure
Marsh School of Chiropractic Pacific School of Chiro-Practic
American School of Chiropractic
Parker School of Chiropractic
Carver-Denny School of Chiropractic
National School of Chiropractic
Palmer-Gregory College of Chiropractic
D.D. Palmer College of Chiropractic
Texas Chiropractic College
Michigan College of Chiropractic
Ratledge System of Chiropractic Schools
Minnesota Chiropractic College
Wichita College of Kiropractic
Robbins Chiropractic Institute
Pacific College of Chiropractic
Universal Chiropractic College
New Jersey College of Chiropractic and Naturopathy
San Diego School of Chiropractic
Ratledge System of Chiropractic Schools
Los Angeles College of Chiropractic
Oregon Peerless College of Chiropractic and Neuropathy
Bullis and Davis School of Neuropathy,Ophthalmology and Chiropractic
California Chiropractic College
Canadian Chiropractic College
Eastern College of Chiropractic
Columbia Institute of Chiropractic
Missouri Chiropractic College
Cleveland (Central) Chiropractic College

Lite om författaren Joseph C Keating Jr var medlem i ACH , och en av de flitigaste skribenterna i ACH. Han avled alldelles för tidigt 2007 vid femtiosjuårs ålder.

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